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Image de The Flower of My Secret

The Flower of My Secret

: 107 m

Drama, Romance

The Flower of My Secret

The Flower of My Secret

Marisa ParedesasLeo Macías
Juan EchanoveasÁngel
Carme EliasasBetty
Rossy de PalmaasRosa
Chus LampreaveasMadre de Leo
Kiti MánverasManuela
Joaquín CortésasAntonio
Manuela VargasasBlanca
Imanol AriasasPaco
Gloria MuñozasAlicia
Juan José OteguiasTomas
Alicia AgutasNeighbor A
Jordi MollàasDoctor A
Pedro AlmodóvarasDirector
Pedro AlmodóvarasScreenplay
Dorothy ParkerasNovel
Esther GarcíaasProducer
Agustín AlmodóvarasExecutive Producer
Alberto IglesiasasOriginal Music Composer
Miguel López PelegrínasSet Decoration
Max MaraasCostume Design
Ermenegildo ZegnaasCostume Design
Hugo MezcuaasCostume Design
José SalcedoasEditor
Bernardo MenzasSound Designer
Affonso BeatoasDirector of Photography
Esther GarcíaasProduction Design

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